Hi everyone, its time for us to answer another question from our Worries Solved column in First For Women Magazine – this weeks episode reveals the real truth about probiotics and bellyfat!

To get a free coupon for the delicious probiotic ketchup we share in this video, and a WHOLE bunch of other great free resources, go to the Rich Food Resource Center HERE. Don't forget to come back again next week for another “Worries Solved” segment. And please subscribe to our Youtube channel – Thanks!

Oh, and if you missed “THE 10” this past Tuesday – where we introduced you to Jeffery Smith – one of the leading voices in the fight against GMOs, make sure you check it out. And make sure to take watch Jeffery's  new movie “Genetic Roulette – The Gamble of Our Lives,”  we have provided a free link below the interview – don't miss it!